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Infrastructure as Code
(like Terraform)

Terraform is an open source software tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. It is created by HashiCorp and is used for creating, managing, and versioning infrastructure as code.
Terraform allows users to define a data center like a code. This helps to provision cloud and on-premise resources and services in an automated manner. It also helps to manage existing and popular service providers and custom in-house solutions.
Using Terraform, users can create, modify, and delete cloud resources in a controlled and predictable manner. This is done by writing configuration files that describe the desired state of the infrastructure. Terraform then compares the desired state with the existing state of the infrastructure and makes plans to reach the desired state.
Terraform also supports the definition of multiple cloud environments and the management of resources across those environments. This allows users to move resources between different cloud providers and versions.
At its core, Terraform helps to manage the overall state of data centers, including networks, servers, storage, and more. It also supports the management of security, compliance, and auditing processes.